Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seiken Tsukai no World Break

Seiken Tsukai no World Break will air on January 12, 2015.
Official Site

Saenai Heroine no Sodate-kata

Saenai Heroine no Sodate-kata will air January 9, 2015.

Official Site


Isuca will begin to air on January 24, 2015.

Juuou Mujin Fafnir

Jūō Mujin no Fafnir light novel volume 1 cover.jpg
"Jūō Mujin no Fafnir light novel volume 1 cover" by --- Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia.

Will air January 9, 2015

Absolute Duo

Absolute Duo will air on January 4, 2015. 

Episode 1 "Blaze"

It seems that the main character is Touru and he is going to be a students at a fighting school. Touru's Blaze weapon is a shield, in contrast to everyone that has a weapon.Blaze is a weapon that is born from the soul and so it can only hurt the soul, meaning that fighting does not cause major injuries but it may strain the body. While in the entrance ceremony, the students were forced to fight the person next to them in order to get in the school. As Touru fights a girl that he just met, he keeps on getting flashbacks of someone with a sword who happens to be a murder of someone close to Touru. After Touru won the battle, he went to class only to find that each student needs a partner. These partners do everything together. It was predetermined that Touru wold be partner with Julie and so they will have to dorm together.

First Thoughts

This Anime is not very orignal. The setting is in a  fighting school for students with power that creates weapons. "The anime can get away with about anything. The idea of having a battle partner that happens to be a girls is a big setup for ecchi. There was really weird and misplace fanserive.



Akame ga Kill! アカメが斬る!,

Disclaimer! May Contain Spoilers! My Intention is to only give you the water down summary of the Anime and give you honest opinion on what I liked and disliked.

 Akame ga Kill is about Tatsumi, he went to the Capitol in order to raise funds for his village. It is quickly established that Tatsumi is a good fighter with decent sword skills. However, due to a certain event, Tatsumi is in a life or death situation. However, Tatsumi is saved by Nigh Raid (A group of Assassins). Tatsumi realize that the Capital is full of corruption and decides to join Night Raid. Night Raid’s goal is to end corruption in the Capitol. Each Member of Night Raid is an owner of an Imperial Arm, weapons that were created from endangered beast hundreds of years ago. They are so powerful that if two people are fighting each other with an Imperial Arm, one is probably going to die. If you would like more you, can either watch it or read it here.

First and foremost I have to say that Akame ga Kill! is to be one of the best animes of 2014. The story is interesting because Night Raid is seen as the "bad guys", the criminals, the antagonist. But in reality, the whole Capital is full of corruption making Night Raid the "good guys". Akame ga Kill had a little of everything from gore, love, fantasy, super natural, memorable characters, etc. The anime itself had emotional break points as some of the members of Night Raid were killed. I really enjoyed the fighting scenes between Night Raid and the Jaegars because both sides are fighting for "Justice".


  • Great Story
  • Memorable Characters
  • Fighting Scenes 
  • Gory
  • Forgetting who the main character is (This will make sense once you watch it all)


Official Site

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Not Sure Where To Start

Where do I begin? Its funny because I really want to share all the animes that I have watch, but I don't know where to begin. However, I think that I will start with the most recent anime and work down through the years.

-Tatsumi Deviluke